A short history of the AIDS crisis in the United States

Today is Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day in the US

Stars Insider

07/02/25 | StarsInsider


From cholera to typhoid to COVID-19, the United States has seen its fair share of public health crises and epidemics. One of the worst, most socially polarizing, was the AIDS epidemic that began in the 1980s. While millions died, a war raged on between activist organizations and government institutions, leading to some of the largest and most successful grassroots movements the United States has ever seen. The history of AIDS in America is a history none of us can afford to forget, and as we came out of the era of COVID-19, the events of the 1980s and 1990s can teach us valuable lessons on the importance of unity, hope, and swift action in the face of mortal threat.

Read on to learn the key points of the American AIDS epidemic.

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