The stellar women who revolutionized space travel

From mathematicians and coders to astronauts

Stars Insider

12/09/24 | StarsInsider


Since ancient times, the skies and the stars have evoked senses of wonder and amazement in the human race. From the ancient druids and Babylonians who worshipped the stars, to the Greeks who mapped them out, and even far beyond the great members of the Renaissance who finally began to understand them, space has been on everyone's minds, regardless of what's happening here on the ground.

But it has been tragically forgotten to time what an important and integral role women have played in the modern study and exploration of space. More than simply participating, some of the greatest advancements in space travel, including vast amounts of the science that made it possible in the first place, are all to the credit of the brilliant women who dedicated their lives to the great beyond. 

Want to learn more? Read on to learn the histories of the women who brought us to space and helped us learn while we were up there.

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