Wild whiskey facts you never knew

May 20 is World Whisky Day

Stars Insider

19/05/23 | StarsInsider


For centuries, whiskey, or whisky, has been one of the most popular spirits on Earth. From its humble beginnings as a medicinal elixir distilled in Ireland and Scotland in the 15th century, to the enduring global phenomenon it has turned into, the evolution of this spirit has been storied and colorful.

A favorite import of the United States during the prohibition era, whiskey found a new home across the Atlantic in the form of Kentucky bourbon and Tennessee whiskey. Today, there are even French and Japanese distilleries taking their own swing at the ancient art of barley distillation. And as connoisseurs and everyone within the industry knows, there is a lot more to this special drink than might first meet the eye.

Read on to learn everything there is to know about whiskey.

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