The growing trend: Why couples opt to live separately

Here’s the strong case for "living apart together"

Stars Insider

31/12/24 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Relationships

With the amount of breakups, affairs, divorces, and separations at an all-time high, it’s high time to reimagine what relationships should look like. Our concept of the 'correct' romantic progression has generally followed a rigid scheme of meeting someone, falling in love, moving in together, and then potentially getting married and starting a family. Often the time spent living apart in a relationship is quickly eclipsed by the time spent living together.

But, now, more and more couples are choosing to "live apart together." It doesn’t mean they don't love each other, but rather that they're assessing the best ways they can be the healthiest partners, and sometimes that just involves having your own space.

Intrigued? Click through to learn more about the surprisingly strong case for couples to live separately.

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