What Nostradamus’ predictions say about modern royals

Things don't look good for King Charles, according to the 16th-century oracle

Stars Insider

10/01/25 | StarsInsider


Nostradamus, the enigmatic French astrologer of the 16th century, has captured the world's imagination with his cryptic predictions, often seen as glimpses into the future. While skepticism surrounds his prophecies, his ability to foresee events that came to pass continues to captivate both historians and the general public. His famous work 'Les Prophéties,' written in 1555, contains verses that have been interpreted to predict significant global occurrences, including the rise of Hitler, the atomic bomb, and the 9/11 terror attacks.

One British author, Mario Reading, dedicated his life to studying Nostradamus' texts, offering intriguing insights into the British royal family's fate and other historical happenings. In this gallery, we get to the bottom of it. Click on to be astounded.

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