Monumental (and fatal) engineering mistakes from history

The outcomes were catastrophic

Stars Insider

05/07/24 | StarsInsider


Mistakes are an inherent part of human behavior, and engineers are no exception to this reality. Major concern arises when these mistakes lead to dire consequences, a reality that sadly characterizes numerous engineering blunders.

The annals of history are replete with instances where catastrophic outcomes were triggered by substantial design flaws. Tragically, many lives have been lost due to engineers seeking shortcuts, opting for cost-effective materials, displaying negligence, or, at times, simply making erroneous decisions during the design phase.

These errors are not limited to specific domains of engineering; they span diverse fields, encompassing civil, aerospace, and others. In this gallery, you will encounter some of the most significant blunders in engineering history—most of which resulted in grievous consequences. Click on for more.

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