To shave or not to shave: Why we started removing our body hair

Breaking free from the razor

Stars Insider

08/05/24 | StarsInsider


Women around the world have expressed the benefits of not having to shave or wax during the pandemic. This task is often painful, expensive, uncomfortable, and time-consuming. However, societal pressures have led many women to believe that shaving is a choice they must make. In reality, these so-called choices have been influenced by decades of social expectations.

Although many women begin hair removal at a young age, only a few understand the origins and reasons behind this trend. Throughout history, body hair has played a significant role in shaping gender roles, delineating social classes, defining femininity, and exerting control over women through shame. However, these notions are now undergoing transformation.

This article, based on information from CNN, explores the origins of hair removal, its proliferation, and the challenges it faces today. It sheds light on how societal expectations have influenced women's grooming habits and the current movement towards questioning and challenging these norms.

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