Identifying conversational patterns: are you a conversational narcissist?

Recognize the signs and improve your listening skills

Stars Insider

24/04/24 | StarsInsider


Although conversational narcissism may be a term unfamiliar to you, it is likely that you have encountered it in your own life. Have you ever found yourself in a conversation with someone who dominates the discussion and fails to listen? Or perhaps you've interacted with a person who consistently redirects the attention back to themselves? These individuals are what we refer to as conversational narcissists, and it's possible that you may exhibit some of these tendencies yourself, despite your reservations. The signs of conversational narcissism are not always straightforward and a lot of the time, can be unintentional. So, how can you determine if you fall into this category?

Explore the gallery to identify these traits and to learn how to address them.

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