The differences between North and South Korea

One peninsula, two countries

Stars Insider

24/07/24 | StarsInsider


Following the end of fighting in the Korean War in 1953, the Korean Peninsula was effectively halved, divided by a demilitarized zone that sliced the nation in two.

Two countries emerged, North Korea and South Korea. In the decades since, the south has become a thriving democracy and economic powerhouse. In contrast, the north is today one of the most isolated countries in the world, a communist dictatorship ruling over an impoverished people and a tightly controlled economy. Many of the differences are stark in their appearance. Others are more subtle. And with unification remaining a seemingly insurmountable goal, the two Koreas are as distant now as they were 70 years ago.

But what exactly are the differences between North Korea and South Korea? Click through and learn more about this divided land.

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