Everything you need to know about today's total eclipse

Parts of Mexico, the United States, and Canada are set to witness a total eclipse of the Sun

Stars Insider

08/04/24 | StarsInsider


Today, April 8, a total solar eclipse will follow a 115 mile-wide (185-km) path through parts of Mexico, 15 US states, and Canada. The celestial spectacular will also provide a partial solar eclipse for the entire Americas. Providing the skies are clear, residents, citizen scientists, and eclipse tourists will enjoy one of the most dramatic events witnessed in our solar system. And this rare scientific phenomenon, the first full eclipse visible in the United States since 2017, will not be repeated in the country until 2046. But which locations in the US provide the best places to watch the eclipse unfold, how can you gaze skywards in safety, and why is NASA firing three rockets towards to Moon during the blackout? 

To find the answers to these question and more, click through this gallery before the Sun disappears!

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