Where are the survivors of these infamous kidnappings now?

A chilling history of perseverance and survival

Stars Insider

05/07/24 | StarsInsider


Our hearts sink when we hear that someone has been kidnapped and has disappeared without a trace. But sometimes they miraculously turn up, months or even years later. However, they rarely return unharmed. 

These people were torn from their ordinary lives and plunged into unimaginable nightmares, but they became symbols of strength and survival.

In this chilling gallery, we delve into the harrowing stories of those who endured long periods of terror and captivity. From the heartbreaking disappearance of Jaycee Lee Dugard, who was abducted aged just 11 and held captive for over 18 years, to the harrowing case of Elizabeth Smart who was kidnapped at knifepoint, these stories are full of horror and hope.

Join us and find out what happened in their darkest hours and where these survivors stand today. Click through the gallery to begin. 

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