The most productive countries in the world, ranked

Where do workers add the most to their economies?

Stars Insider

23/07/24 | StarsInsider


How do we judge which countries are the most economically productive? Economists use metrics such as gross domestic product (GDP) and gross national income (GNI), which measure the monetary value of all of the goods and services of any type created by a country (GDP) or its people (GNI). GDP is typically measured in US dollars (US$) or international dollars (INT$), which measure output. To measure efficiency, GDP needs to be divided by the number of people in a country, to determine a country's output per person. It's important to bear in mind when considering the figures that some places have a head start. For example, Luxembourg, Singapore, Bermuda, Switzerland, and the Cayman Islands are all among the world's leading tax havens.

So, intrigued? Click on to learn which countries are the most productive in the world.

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