Do you recognize your superego?

Understanding your moral compass

Stars Insider

07/10/24 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Psychology

What is the unconscious mind? All the drives we don't necessarily see, or understand, about ourselves. Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, was the first person to differentiate between aspects of the unconscious. According to him, there were three parts: the id, the ego, and the superego. These parts form what is the basis of our personality, the way we relate to the world. Of these three, the superego is the last part to develop, and acts as our moral compass in this world. But how much of this learned way of interpreting the world is helpful, and does our unconscious judge have the potential to become harmful?

Curious? Click on to learn about the superego, and how it affects your responses and decision-making.

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