North Korea causes major explosion on inter-Korean road

In response, South Korea's military fired warning shots south of the demilitarized zone

Stars Insider

15/10/24 | StarsInsider


North and South Korea have had a tumultuous history of conflicts spanning the decades since the Second World War, and divisions between the two countries don’t appear to be dissipating. Recently, North Korea's military announced plans to "permanently close and block the southern border" while reinforcing areas on its side.

This Tuesday, North Korea detonated sections of inter-Korean roads and rail lines on its side of the heavily fortified border, South Korea's military reported escalating tensions on the Korean Peninsula. The explosions occurred after Pyongyang vowed last week to fully sever inter-Korean roads and railways and strengthen its positions along the border.

In addition, the North has been installing landmines and barriers along the border and was observed this Monday conducting further work with heavy equipment.

This effort by Pyongyang to alter its relationship with the South follows a series of provocative incidents from both sides that have strained ties between the two countries, including North Korean missile tests and the launch of hundreds of trash balloons over North Korea's southern border by South Korea.

Why does this conflict seem to have no end in sight? Click through the following gallery to find out.

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