FBI uncovers 2,400 unreleased records related to JFK assassination

The new findings came following President Trump’s executive order to release the files

Stars Insider

13 hours ago | StarsInsider


After President Donald Trump issued an executive order on January 23 to declassify the assassination files of John F. Kennedy, the FBI is reported to have found 2,400 new documents that were previously not considered to be related to the case. The FBI did not elaborate on the contents of the records, however, the agency mentioned that they are in the process of transferring the documents to the National Archives and Records Administration.

Jefferson Morley, vice president of the Marry Ferrell Foundation, an organization that is known for aiding researchers and the public in accessing records and providing a repository for the JFK assassination files, described the FBI’s move as “refreshingly candid.”

However, Jack Schlossberg, Kennedy’s grandson, criticized Trump’s decision. “Declassification is using JFK as a political prop, when he’s not here to punch back. There’s nothing heroic about it,” he said in a statement.

JFK was assassinated on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas. The killing of the then-president helped fuel a climate of mistrust in the 1960s and ignited a wave of conspiracy theories. Some of those doubts resurfaced when a Secret Service agent who witnessed the assassination at close range made a potentially devastating claim in a memoir that cast doubt on whether Lee Harvey Oswald, the man accused of pulling the trigger, was acting alone.

Click through the following gallery and revisit the events leading up to, during, and after that fateful day.

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