What to expect from La Niña in 2025

A closer look at 2025's weather forecast

Stars Insider

10/01/25 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Global climate

La Niña has arrived and this climate pattern typically has a strong impact on winter weather in the US. Despite its late arrival, it has already influenced this winter’s weather.

Recently, the world has witnessed a year marked by extreme weather events, from devastating hurricanes to catastrophic floods. As we entered 2025, the looming threat of La Niña added another layer of uncertainty to the global climate picture.

Meteorologists closely track both La Niña and El Niño because they influence global weather patterns, often leading to extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, and hurricanes.

Curious to understand the potential impacts of La Niña globally and in your area? Click through this gallery to find out more.

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