Burj Al Babas: the abandoned dream of a luxury castle village

What happened to Turkey's abandoned 'castle' community'?

Stars Insider

13/01/25 | StarsInsider


When the luxury residential complex known as Burj Al Babas near Mudurnu, Turkey, was unveiled in 2014, it was described as a fantasy land full of Disneyesque castles. And their interpretation wasn't far off the mark. Burj Al Babas was supposed to be a dream retreat for the privileged and wealthy, a chance to buy into an expensive property. Designed as a castle, complete with towers and turrets, not one of the 700-plus homes is occupied nearly 10 years later. In fact, Burj Al Babas is a half-finished ghost town, a crumbling symbol of failure on a grand scale. So what happened? How did one of Turkey's most ambitious real estate projects become such an infamous white elephant?

Click through the gallery and find out why Burj Al Babas was abandoned. 

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