Shellshocked! The world's oldest bird has just laid an egg

Wisdom, a 74-year-old albatross, is about to become a mom again

Stars Insider

11/12/24 | StarsInsider


Wisdom, the oldest-known bird in the world, is set to become a mom again after laying an egg—at age 74! A Laysan albatross, she was spotted with the egg and her partner at Midway Atoll National Wildlife Refuge, an island sanctuary located on the Hawaiian archipelago. The seabird was first tagged by scientists in 1956, and has been a regular visitor to the refuge ever since. Albatrosses are known for their longevity, but biologists are unaware of any other birds even close to Wisdom's age. Her latest delivery has delighted conservationists, who are optimistic that the egg will hatch. So, what do we know about Wisdom and other members of the albatross family?

Click on and wing your way through this gallery to find out!

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