Women who made the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame

Missy Elliott, Sheryl Crowe, and Kate Bush made the cut this year!

Stars Insider

04/05/23 | StarsInsider

MUSIC Musicians

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland, Ohio has been operating since 1983. The foundation awards membership based on musicians' achievements over the entire course of their careers, so they are usually inducted later in life. However, there has been a lot of controversy over there being a very low proportion of women inducted compared to men.

On May 3, the names of the lucky few to join the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame this year were announced. The three female stars to be voted in were Missy Elliott, Sheryl Crowe, and Kate Bush. Kate Bush has been nominated many times over the years and finally made it through, while Missy Elliott became eligible for the first time this year and was voted into the hall immediately. She also makes history as the first female hip hop artist to be recognized. In total, there are seven inductees this year, including others like Willie Nelson. They will all be celebrated with a ceremony and concert at the Barclays Center in Brooklyn on Nov. 3.

To learn more about the women who have been inducted into the most prestigious music foundation, click through the following gallery.

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