'Armageddon alert' to set off alarm on millions of phones across the UK

The government will carry out a nationwide ‘emergency’ test

Stars Insider

17/01/25 | StarsInsider


The "Armageddon alert" system is used by the UK to alert the general public when there is an emergency. It was first launched in 2023 and has so far only been sent to localized groups. However, the British government has revealed that it will carry out a nationwide test. This means that a loud alarm will sound on millions of phones across the country at the same time.

The exact date of the test will be revealed later in the year and will reach all 4G and 5G phones within range. Phones will vibrate and emit a siren for up to 10 seconds, along with a warning message. The government has confirmed that the public will receive ample warning and will not need to do anything or respond to the message.

The last time the emergency alert system was used was in 2024 during Storm Darragh, when three million people received a message to stay indoors. During this new test, it is expected that around 87 million people will receive the message.

A similar system is used in other countries, including the US, and Pat McFadden, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, commented, “Most countries that have this system test it quite regularly … This should be part of our armory in warning people about major risks.”

So, what should you do if you find yourself in an emergency? Click through this gallery for some essential tips to keep you safe in life-threatening situations.

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