Trump changes name of Denali back to Mount McKinley

Alaska’s lawmakers are against renaming North America’s highest peak

Stars Insider

21/01/25 | StarsInsider

TRAVEL Culture

As one of Donald Trump’s first moves as a second-term president, he has signed an executive order to change the name of Denali back to Mount McKinley. He said during his inauguration speech, “We will restore the name of a great president, William McKinley, to Mount McKinley where it should be and where it belongs.”

North America’s highest peak resides in Alaska, and the state's lawmakers have made it clear that they do not support the name change. The debate over the mountain's name has been going on for well over 100 years.

It was first named Mount McKinley in 1896 after the pro-tariff president McKinley, who it is believed never actually visited the mountain and had no historical ties to the area. The Koyukon Athabascan people who lived near the mountain, however, called it Denali, meaning "The Great One," and in 2015 Barack Obama restored its original name as a part of his campaign to improve relations with the Native American community.

In recent times, many people have urged governments and local authorities to recognize natural landmarks for their Indigenous heritage. So where in the world are some of the most notable examples of this policy found? Click through and learn of the new names replacing the old.

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