Google updates 'Gulf of Mexico' to 'Gulf of America' for US user

Apple has yet to comply with the executive order

Stars Insider

11/02/25 | StarsInsider

TRAVEL Geopolitics

In his inaugural address, President Donald Trump reiterated his intention to rename the Gulf of Mexico the "Gulf of America,” marking one of his first executive orders as the country’s once-again president. He also indicated that currently the territory is being run by cartels, and that the change would be “beautiful” and “appropriate.”

Now, Google Maps users in the United States will see the body of water previously labeled as the Gulf of Mexico renamed to the Gulf of America. However, users in Mexico will still see the original name, while those in other parts of the world will see the "Gulf of Mexico (Gulf of America)." Google clarified that it updates map names based on official government changes. Meanwhile, Apple has yet to adopt the new name for its mapping service.

On January 24, the US Interior Department announced that the Gulf of Mexico would now officially be referred to as the Gulf of America. The department stated that the US Board on Geographic Names was swiftly updating the designation in the US Geographic Names Information System (GNIS), making the change effective immediately for federal use. Trump had declared February 9 as "Gulf of America Day" and marked the occasion by flying over the region and publicly acknowledging the new name.

The Gulf of Mexico has carried its name for over 400 years. It borders five US states but also shares a coastline with parts of Mexico and Cuba. While the US claims control over a significant portion of the gulf, international agreements have clarified territorial waters. 

So, what exactly do we know about this universally recognized gulf located between Florida and the Yucatan Peninsula? Click through the following gallery and travel its length and breadth.

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