Chrissy Teigen and other celebs with problematic past tweets

Chrissy Teigen has publicly apologized for her past Twitter bullying of Courtney Stodden

Stars Insider

13/05/21 | StarsInsider

CELEBRITY Social media

Celebs plus social media can equal one big mess. For some reason, Twitter seems to be the main stomping ground for celebrity beefs and breakdowns. It's one of the longer standing social media platforms too, which means many stars started posting on there long before they hit super fame. It's interesting to look back and see how they behaved online during different stages of their lives, before they had such valuable personal brands and public images to maintain. 

Kevin Hart lost his hosting gig at the 2019 Oscars due to old homophobic tweets that surfaced. More recently, Chrissy Teigen is making headlines for her past cyberbullying of model Courtney Stodden. 

Click through the gallery to get the full stories, and see which other celebs have come under fire for their past tweets.  

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