Celebrities dish on their biggest dating deal-breakers

Do you have what it takes to date a celebrity?

Stars Insider

31/03/23 | StarsInsider


Dating is a difficult game, so it's handy to go into it knowing what you're willing to accept and what you're not. And if you don't go into it with that knowledge, you'll at least come out of it with a much better idea of what you will absolutely avoid in the next partner!

Deal-breakers are a great way to set boundaries and make your needs known, and, if communicated correctly, they can attract the people you want and quickly get rid of the ones you don't. Celebrities, like us, each have their own specific priorities and particular tastes, and they have expressed a wide range of rules that they uphold for themselves. Click through to find out what the stars consider to be deal-breakers in their dating lives.

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