Actors who years later revealed they had crushes on their co-stars

Some played love interests, while others were anything but

Stars Insider

16/07/24 | StarsInsider


Filming movies and TV series presents long working hours, with actors often required to really get into the headspace of the characters they're portraying. This can be very emotional, so, naturally, real-life feelings can come up. Even if they're not playing love interests, putting actors in close quarters can sometimes lead to unexpected feelings off-screen. It's therefore common for actors to date or even marry their co-stars. But then there are plenty of stars who keep their onset crushes a secret, only revealing the truth years later, after filming wrapped.

From Jennifer Aniston and David Schwimmer, to Emma Watson and Tom Felton, check out the following gallery to discover actors who years later revealed they had crushes on their co-stars.

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