The most devious celebrity revenge stories

Some were righteous while others were just petty...

Stars Insider

02/01/24 | StarsInsider


All of us have, at some low point in our lives, felt the burning desire to exact revenge on someone who has crossed us, and celebrities are no different. It could be an ex, an entire publication, a corporation, organization, or broadcaster—no matter the size of the offender, there are more ways to get back at them than you can count! Usually when it comes to the desire for revenge, it's all about resisting the urge to go low, or else it's about picking the most ingenious low road you can find...

Plus, with access to money, cameras, huge fan bases, and more, the last people you want to tick off are celebrities. Add that to the fact that these are highly creative people, and you've got a recipe for some of the most devious revenge stories you've ever heard.

Curious? Click through to be impressed (and slightly concerned)!

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