Inspirational women who changed history

Ketanji Brown Jackson has become the first Black woman to serve as a justice of the Supreme Court

Stars Insider

04/07/24 | StarsInsider

FASHION Historical

They may not all be with us, but countless incredible women of the past have contributed to the way we live and work in the world today. The list includes women's and civil rights activists, scientists, politicians, musicians, monarchs, humanitarians, and much more.

On April 7, Ketanji Brown Jackson, 51, became the first Black woman to be confirmed to the Supreme Court. She was nominated by President Joe Biden in February and underwent a grueling Senate approval process, but eventually won her spot with a vote of 53-47. Jackson is an honors graduate of Harvard University and Harvard Law School who has served as a judge since 2012. Her confirmation hearing speech on March 21 went viral for her heartfelt address to her daughters: "I know it has not been easy as I have tried to navigate the challenges of juggling my career and motherhood," she said, "And I fully admit that I did not always get the balance right. But I hope that you have seen that with hard work, determination, and love, it can be done. I am so looking forward to seeing what each of you chooses to do with your amazing lives in this incredible country." Jackson has made history as the first Black female Supreme Court Justice, joining other trailblazers like Sonia Sotomayor and Ruth Bader Ginsburg. 

Click through for some inspiring tales of women who didn't back down in the face of adversity. 

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