Don't bring these things to a potluck

These are the food items you should avoid

Stars Insider

30/05/24 | StarsInsider


Anybody with a brain and even the tiniest tendency to be lazy knows that potlucks are the ideal kind of party. Everyone shows up with a little something, no one has to bear a huge burden, and you know for certain that there will be at least one thing there that you can eat. 

Whether it's a group of friends getting together in the backyard, a church or school function in a park, or a family event where you think people will love you no matter what, we have some news for you: people will judge you if you don't abide by proper potluck etiquette.

You see, it's all in the good spirit of giving and sharing until someone shows up with something far below par—or if their dish is a slow-blooming poison.

In order to ace the next potluck, check out this gallery, based on a list by The Daily Meal, to see what you should absolutely not bring. 

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