Food parts you really shouldn't be throwing away

Those parts are still good to use, and tossing them out is like throwing away money

Stars Insider

24/06/24 | StarsInsider

FOOD Zero waste

Food waste is increasingly on people’s radars as it continues to weigh dangerously on the planet. Unfortunately, it has become something of a habit: we buy more food than we need, we let fruits and vegetables spoil, and we throw away leftovers. Many of us were also raised thinking that certain parts of produce are inedible and that we must remove them and toss them in the bin. But little do many of us know, those parts are completely usable and to throw them away is like throwing money in the garbage!

A growing movement against food waste has brought to light numerous clever, nutritious, and delicious ways to use the 'scraps' we tend to toss. Click through to learn how to get more bang for your buck while giving the environment a little help along the way.

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