What happens to your body when you stop eating sugar?

Added sugars have more of an impact on us than we'd like to think

Stars Insider

14/02/25 | StarsInsider


In modern diet culture, sugar has been cast as the supervillain. We're told that it's as addictive as a Class A drug and just as deadly. While this headline-grabbing agenda leaves out much of the nuance, it's true that the average person's diet is worryingly high in processed foods that are packed with refined sugars. Almost any product that you find on a supermarket shelf has added sugar, even if it's savory and advertised as "healthy." From bread to barbecue sauce, it's simply everywhere.

This means that most of us are probably consuming far more sugar than we even know, so removing it from our diets can have surprisingly drastic effects. Curious to know more? Then click through this gallery and find out exactly what happens to your body when you stop eating sugar.

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