What happens to your body if you eat eggs every day?

These are the benefits and side effects of daily egg consumption

Stars Insider

06/02/25 | StarsInsider

HEALTH Nutrition

Whether you boil, poach, or scramble your eggs, they're undoubtedly one of the healthiest and affordable sources of protein around. Eggs were once a controversial choice due to concerns about saturated fats and cholesterol, but researchers have since proven that eggs have a number of dietary benefits. If we look at the nutritional profile of an egg, it has only 75 calories, with 7 grams of high-quality protein. On top of that, one egg contains iron, several minerals, vitamins, and just 5 grams of fat. But should you have them daily?

Curious to know what happens to your body when you eat eggs every day? Then check out this gallery.

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