Why people cough long after healing from sickness

There are many theories as to why this happens to so many people

Stars Insider

22/01/25 | StarsInsider


For many people, the battle with a respiratory illness like the flu, RSV, or COVID doesn’t end when the fever subsides or the body starts to feel stronger. A persistent cough can linger for weeks, sometimes even months, this long after the infection has left the body. But this lingering symptom, while frustrating, is not uncommon and has puzzled scientists and doctors alike.

Coughing, at its core, is a vital reflex designed to protect our airways from irritants, but its persistence after recovery reveals a deeper complexity about how our bodies respond to infections. Research has even suggested that post-viral coughs are not just a harmless nuisance. So, why do these coughs continue to persist, and what does this mean for recovery and treatment? Click through this gallery to find out.

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