The dark (and controversial) side of Sigmund Freud

The controversial figure who shaped psychology as we know it was born on May 6, 1856

Stars Insider

03/05/24 | StarsInsider

ESTILO DE VIDA Retrospective

Sigmund Freud is perhaps the best-known psychologist in the world. His work was revolutionary and he was one of the greatest minds of the 20th century, but his theories came with a great deal of controversy. During his life he was fighting an uphill battle against archaic attitudes towards psychology. Nowadays, his theories on women and sexual development are widely discredited. He has often been called "history's most debunked doctor."

Regardless of his flaws, he was responsible for the creation of an entire school of thought which still influences modern psychology today. Click through the gallery to learn about the life and work of the founding father of psychoanalysis. 

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