Bizarre status symbols through history

Rotting pineapples, ripped jeans, and black teeth...

Stars Insider

17/07/24 | StarsInsider


As a social species, humans spend a lot of time distinguishing themselves within their society. For centuries, we have asserted our social status through the use of recognizable, sought-after symbols, even though they may not serve us any real purpose regarding our survival.

Nowadays, the symbols that come to mind are jewels or nice cars, but status symbols from history show that the things we value are constantly changing and are somewhat arbitrary. Even contemporary luxury items can seem downright counterintuitive.

Symbols of luxury have also changed according to how much of a novelty they were and how difficult they were to procure at the time, so there are things that you probably have in your home right now which, a few hundred years ago, signified that you were wealthy and important.

Click through this gallery to see the strangest, most outlandish status symbols from history to present day.

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