Fascinating facts about the US Constitution

The Constitution was signed on this day in 1787

Stars Insider

02/01/25 | StarsInsider


When you think about the transformation of the United States over the past two centuries, it looks like a completely different place with entirely different ideals, societal norms, and people. But one thing that has remained largely unchanged is the basic framework of government first laid out back in the 18th century.

The importance of the Constitution of the United States has not once left the public view—we often hear politicians calling things "unconstitutional" when they want to protect their traditional beliefs from change or defend the founding principles the nation was built on—and the three branches of government remain: the legislative branch (Congress), executive branch (presidency), and judicial (Supreme Court).

Yet for something so intrinsic to the past, present, and future of the nation, and which has persisted for over two centuries, there are some bizarre facts about this historical document that many people don’t know. Curious? Click through to see some fascinating and occasionally troubling facts about the US Constitution.

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