The surprising benefits of being embarrassed

From increased empathy to attraction, a little shame can go a long way

Stars Insider

21/05/24 | StarsInsider


You know the feeling well: a sudden stroke of heat gathering painfully in your cheeks and neck, sweat gathering under your arms, the terrible turning of your stomach, and an inability to move, blink, or speak. Embarrassment is an extremely uncomfortable physical emotion that is understandably something most people spend their lives trying to avoid. But have you ever considered that maybe it's not all bad?

As it turns out, embarrassment—normal levels, not the crippling kind that comes with social anxiety disorder—can actually offer some surprising perks. From boosting your sex appeal to professional networking, there are a number of ways shame can work in your favor.

Intrigued? Click through to see the unexpected benefits of feeling embarrassed.

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