See Also
See Again
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0 / 31 Fotos
"You're just jealous"
- Jealousy can happen, and it’s a natural reaction. Calling out your partner on it instead of trying to understand why he’s jealous and talk things through, well, that won’t help.
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1 / 31 Fotos
"You're just jealous"
- You’re also implying that he has the 'wrong feelings' for you. If jealousy is indeed present, it’s important to talk about it constructively, show some love, and offer your partner reassurance.
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2 / 31 Fotos
"Are you even listening?"
- Telling a man he doesn’t know how to listen is pretty common. Sure, sometimes you just want to be listened to and for your partner to empathize with your experience. But then you get annoyed when he tries to come up with solutions.
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3 / 31 Fotos
"Are you even listening?"
- That’s just how men’s brains work. They listen to your problem and try to fix it. Telling them they are not listening will make them feel like you’re just ungrateful and condemning. After all, they are listening and trying to help. Instead, specifically tell them that you just want them to listen.
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4 / 31 Fotos
"You’re not doing it right (in the bedroom)"
- Men are competitive and like to perform well. To put their sexual performance into cause can really make them feel insecure, and indeed hurt them.
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5 / 31 Fotos
"You’re not doing it right (in the bedroom)"
- There are other ways you can do this, rather than pointing out something they’re doing “wrong.” Instead, tell him what you like and how you like it. More often than not, your man will be happy to please you. Encourage him to be the best lover he can be, and you might just get what you wish for!
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6 / 31 Fotos
"If I wasn’t with you, I'd be able to…"
- If you’re missing out on something that important, that you feel your partner is holding you back, then perhaps you shouldn’t be in a relationship. Or, at least, not with that person.
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7 / 31 Fotos
"If I wasn’t with you, I'd be able to…"
- Blaming it on your partner is not nice. He doesn't want to hold you back, and resenting him for missing out on something will make him doubt himself, and indeed the relationship.
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8 / 31 Fotos
"Be a man"
- Nothing is more emasculating for a man than being told to be a man. What does that even mean, really? Well, what you’re doing is basically telling him that he doesn't measure up to whatever standards of masculinity you have. Men will likely respond by shutting down and avoiding communicating when they’re put in this position.
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9 / 31 Fotos
"Be a man"
- Putting a man’s manhood into question is not just a stab to the ego—you’re making him insecure about who and what he is. Instead of making him accountable to some vague standards of masculinity, tell him what you expect from him.
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10 / 31 Fotos
"You're all the same"
- Comparing your partner to other men will make him feel like he’s got nothing going for him. That, like the others, he’s a disappointment to you. This is truly frustrating for a man, as he feels that, regardless of who he is or does, he’ll never live up to your standards.
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11 / 31 Fotos
"You're all the same"
- Sure, you may have been burned in past relationships, but blaming it on men in general, including your current partner, won’t do your relationship any favors. Comparing the behavior of other men with the one you’re with now is just generalizing a human being who has unique traits. If you’re unhappy about something, discuss that point in particular, and don’t make a blank statement about men.
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12 / 31 Fotos
"You call/text too much"
- Telling your partner that he calls or texts too much is basically saying that he’s a bit needy and clingy. Plus, it makes him insecure about how much you love him.
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13 / 31 Fotos
"You call/text too much"
- No two people are the same when it comes to how often they like to be in touch, but this can be discussed earlier in the relationship in order to manage expectations. You may not like to be constantly in touch, but that doesn’t mean the other person feels the same way, so don’t expect him to match your communication standards without discussing it first.
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14 / 31 Fotos
"Compared to others, you're…"
- Comparing a man to other men is never a good idea. Surely women also don’t like to be compared to other women either. But men do have a competitive edge that will make them doubt themselves and feel even more insecure.
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15 / 31 Fotos
"Compared to others, you're…"
- If you want to compare your partner to other men, do so when you talk to your friends, not to him directly.
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16 / 31 Fotos
"You never do anything right"
- This is a mean thing to say to anyone, let alone the man you’re in a relationship with. Who likes to be told everything they do is wrong? How secure could a man possibly feel after he’s put into question like this, right?
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17 / 31 Fotos
"You never do anything right"
- Instead of lashing out, try being accountable for your own feelings, and not blaming it on the person you’re with. You can use a simple formula to do this, starting with a reference to your feelings and emotions. E.g. “I feel x when y happens.”
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18 / 31 Fotos
"You should be making more money"
- Not only will this statement make a man feel insecure, but it will also make you come across as a bit of a greedy gold digger.
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19 / 31 Fotos
"You should be making more money"
- If you believe your partner has the potential to earn more money, then encourage him to do so, and back him up on his decisions. But by focusing on how much dough he brings home, you’re just being selfish and making him feel insecure and incompetent.
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20 / 31 Fotos
"Let me ask my dad to fix this (or for advice on something)"
- "Don’t you trust the man you’re with?" "Why do you defer to the 'other' man in your life when something needs to be done?" These are all questions that will go through a man’s head when you do this.
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21 / 31 Fotos
"Let me ask my dad to fix this (or for advice on something)"
- This will likely trigger feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. After all, why would you choose to go to your father instead of your partner, right? Refer to your partner first, and then you can both escalate the request for help, if needed.
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22 / 31 Fotos
"My guy friend is awesome"
- As mature a couple as you may be, your partner will likely feel like he has to compete with your guy friend somehow. It’s important to reassure him that there is only friendship between you two, and that your partner is truly loved and admired for who he is.
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23 / 31 Fotos
"My guy friend is awesome"
- It’s absolutely fine to have guy friends, but when you’re constantly talking about how amazing your bestie is, and are spending more time with him than with your partner, it’s normal that he will feel insecure about the relationship.
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24 / 31 Fotos
"Maybe we should just break up"
- Bringing up the possibility of the end of a relationship is not healthy. Men will feel insecure about it, because, to be fair, why would you even mention it so often every time there’s an argument?
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25 / 31 Fotos
"Maybe we should just break up"
- Plus, this may sound like an ultimatum, and who likes ultimatums, really? The threat of a breakup is a toxic behavior that should be avoided. Try to refrain from it, unless you are seriously considering it.
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26 / 31 Fotos
"My ex…"
- These words should be removed from your vocabulary. Comparing men to other men is pretty bad, but making reference and comparing them to an ex is even worse.
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27 / 31 Fotos
"My ex…"
- As open and mature as a man may be, he won’t feel comfortable about these comparisons. Would you?
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28 / 31 Fotos
What you don't say
- Sometimes it’s not what you say, but what you don’t say that makes men feel insecure. When was the last time you gave your man a compliment or shown appreciation for being in a relationship with him?
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29 / 31 Fotos
What you don't say
- A few reassuring words can go a long way. Make him feel loved and appreciated, and he will feel less insecure. This is not only good for him, but it's also good for the relationship. Sources: (The List) (Her Way) (Brave Thinking Institute) See more: Ridiculous double standards that hurt both men and women
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30 / 31 Fotos
© Shutterstock
0 / 31 Fotos
"You're just jealous"
- Jealousy can happen, and it’s a natural reaction. Calling out your partner on it instead of trying to understand why he’s jealous and talk things through, well, that won’t help.
© Shutterstock
1 / 31 Fotos
"You're just jealous"
- You’re also implying that he has the 'wrong feelings' for you. If jealousy is indeed present, it’s important to talk about it constructively, show some love, and offer your partner reassurance.
© Shutterstock
2 / 31 Fotos
"Are you even listening?"
- Telling a man he doesn’t know how to listen is pretty common. Sure, sometimes you just want to be listened to and for your partner to empathize with your experience. But then you get annoyed when he tries to come up with solutions.
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3 / 31 Fotos
"Are you even listening?"
- That’s just how men’s brains work. They listen to your problem and try to fix it. Telling them they are not listening will make them feel like you’re just ungrateful and condemning. After all, they are listening and trying to help. Instead, specifically tell them that you just want them to listen.
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4 / 31 Fotos
"You’re not doing it right (in the bedroom)"
- Men are competitive and like to perform well. To put their sexual performance into cause can really make them feel insecure, and indeed hurt them.
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5 / 31 Fotos
"You’re not doing it right (in the bedroom)"
- There are other ways you can do this, rather than pointing out something they’re doing “wrong.” Instead, tell him what you like and how you like it. More often than not, your man will be happy to please you. Encourage him to be the best lover he can be, and you might just get what you wish for!
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6 / 31 Fotos
"If I wasn’t with you, I'd be able to…"
- If you’re missing out on something that important, that you feel your partner is holding you back, then perhaps you shouldn’t be in a relationship. Or, at least, not with that person.
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7 / 31 Fotos
"If I wasn’t with you, I'd be able to…"
- Blaming it on your partner is not nice. He doesn't want to hold you back, and resenting him for missing out on something will make him doubt himself, and indeed the relationship.
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8 / 31 Fotos
"Be a man"
- Nothing is more emasculating for a man than being told to be a man. What does that even mean, really? Well, what you’re doing is basically telling him that he doesn't measure up to whatever standards of masculinity you have. Men will likely respond by shutting down and avoiding communicating when they’re put in this position.
© Shutterstock
9 / 31 Fotos
"Be a man"
- Putting a man’s manhood into question is not just a stab to the ego—you’re making him insecure about who and what he is. Instead of making him accountable to some vague standards of masculinity, tell him what you expect from him.
© Shutterstock
10 / 31 Fotos
"You're all the same"
- Comparing your partner to other men will make him feel like he’s got nothing going for him. That, like the others, he’s a disappointment to you. This is truly frustrating for a man, as he feels that, regardless of who he is or does, he’ll never live up to your standards.
© Shutterstock
11 / 31 Fotos
"You're all the same"
- Sure, you may have been burned in past relationships, but blaming it on men in general, including your current partner, won’t do your relationship any favors. Comparing the behavior of other men with the one you’re with now is just generalizing a human being who has unique traits. If you’re unhappy about something, discuss that point in particular, and don’t make a blank statement about men.
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12 / 31 Fotos
"You call/text too much"
- Telling your partner that he calls or texts too much is basically saying that he’s a bit needy and clingy. Plus, it makes him insecure about how much you love him.
© Shutterstock
13 / 31 Fotos
"You call/text too much"
- No two people are the same when it comes to how often they like to be in touch, but this can be discussed earlier in the relationship in order to manage expectations. You may not like to be constantly in touch, but that doesn’t mean the other person feels the same way, so don’t expect him to match your communication standards without discussing it first.
© Shutterstock
14 / 31 Fotos
"Compared to others, you're…"
- Comparing a man to other men is never a good idea. Surely women also don’t like to be compared to other women either. But men do have a competitive edge that will make them doubt themselves and feel even more insecure.
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15 / 31 Fotos
"Compared to others, you're…"
- If you want to compare your partner to other men, do so when you talk to your friends, not to him directly.
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16 / 31 Fotos
"You never do anything right"
- This is a mean thing to say to anyone, let alone the man you’re in a relationship with. Who likes to be told everything they do is wrong? How secure could a man possibly feel after he’s put into question like this, right?
© Shutterstock
17 / 31 Fotos
"You never do anything right"
- Instead of lashing out, try being accountable for your own feelings, and not blaming it on the person you’re with. You can use a simple formula to do this, starting with a reference to your feelings and emotions. E.g. “I feel x when y happens.”
© Shutterstock
18 / 31 Fotos
"You should be making more money"
- Not only will this statement make a man feel insecure, but it will also make you come across as a bit of a greedy gold digger.
© Shutterstock
19 / 31 Fotos
"You should be making more money"
- If you believe your partner has the potential to earn more money, then encourage him to do so, and back him up on his decisions. But by focusing on how much dough he brings home, you’re just being selfish and making him feel insecure and incompetent.
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20 / 31 Fotos
"Let me ask my dad to fix this (or for advice on something)"
- "Don’t you trust the man you’re with?" "Why do you defer to the 'other' man in your life when something needs to be done?" These are all questions that will go through a man’s head when you do this.
© Shutterstock
21 / 31 Fotos
"Let me ask my dad to fix this (or for advice on something)"
- This will likely trigger feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. After all, why would you choose to go to your father instead of your partner, right? Refer to your partner first, and then you can both escalate the request for help, if needed.
© Shutterstock
22 / 31 Fotos
"My guy friend is awesome"
- As mature a couple as you may be, your partner will likely feel like he has to compete with your guy friend somehow. It’s important to reassure him that there is only friendship between you two, and that your partner is truly loved and admired for who he is.
© Shutterstock
23 / 31 Fotos
"My guy friend is awesome"
- It’s absolutely fine to have guy friends, but when you’re constantly talking about how amazing your bestie is, and are spending more time with him than with your partner, it’s normal that he will feel insecure about the relationship.
© Shutterstock
24 / 31 Fotos
"Maybe we should just break up"
- Bringing up the possibility of the end of a relationship is not healthy. Men will feel insecure about it, because, to be fair, why would you even mention it so often every time there’s an argument?
© Shutterstock
25 / 31 Fotos
"Maybe we should just break up"
- Plus, this may sound like an ultimatum, and who likes ultimatums, really? The threat of a breakup is a toxic behavior that should be avoided. Try to refrain from it, unless you are seriously considering it.
© Shutterstock
26 / 31 Fotos
"My ex…"
- These words should be removed from your vocabulary. Comparing men to other men is pretty bad, but making reference and comparing them to an ex is even worse.
© Shutterstock
27 / 31 Fotos
"My ex…"
- As open and mature as a man may be, he won’t feel comfortable about these comparisons. Would you?
© Shutterstock
28 / 31 Fotos
What you don't say
- Sometimes it’s not what you say, but what you don’t say that makes men feel insecure. When was the last time you gave your man a compliment or shown appreciation for being in a relationship with him?
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29 / 31 Fotos
What you don't say
- A few reassuring words can go a long way. Make him feel loved and appreciated, and he will feel less insecure. This is not only good for him, but it's also good for the relationship. Sources: (The List) (Her Way) (Brave Thinking Institute) See more: Ridiculous double standards that hurt both men and women
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30 / 31 Fotos
How certain phrases can impact men's confidence
Have you ever told a guy to "be a man"?
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Relationship dynamics can be complex, but what we say and how we say it can have a huge impact on how our partner feels. While most concepts are universal, men and women still have some differences when it comes to being triggered by certain phrases. What may seem like an innocent comment can actually make a man feel insecure.
With that said, what exactly are the things women say that make men feel insecure? Click through the gallery to find out.

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