Renting a car abroad? These countries drive on the left side of the road

When driving on the right is wrong!

Stars Insider

18 hours ago | StarsInsider


While the majority of countries in the world drive on the right-hand side of the road, there are 69 nations that do the exact opposite by driving on the left side of the road. That's about 30% of the world’s countries and 35% of the world’s population that keep to the left side of the tarmac. The English started the trend back in the 18th century, and carried the method through during the British Empire and the colonial era. In fact, most of the countries adopting left-side driving owe the practice to the period when Britannia ruled the highways. So, where on Earth are motorists left leaning?

Get into gear and take a drive through this list of countries and territories that drive on the left side of the road.

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