China is building the largest military command center in the world

It will be 10 times the size of the Pentagon

Stars Insider

03/02/25 | StarsInsider

LIFESTYLE Southeast asia

According to recent reports, China is currently constructing the world’s largest military command center, which is set to be 10 times bigger than the US Pentagon once completed. The satellite images show a 1,500 acre area with the underground tunnels and concrete structures, located approximately 19 miles (30 km) southwest of the capital. What is being referred to as ´Beijing Military City´ by media and military analysts will be a massive complex, equipped with bomb-proof bunkers designed to shield high-profile officers and commanders in the event of conflict.

Some US intelligence officials say that the center is being constructed due to the fact that China hopes to advance its nuclear war fighting capabilities. In terms of the timeline, the project is taking place at the same time as Beijing authorities are focusing on expanding the country’s nuclear arsenal, aiming to increase the number of nuclear weapons to 1,500 by 2035.

The latest research released by the Middlebury Institute of International Studies (California) confirms the speculations in relation to China's nuclear ambitions. As China advances its efforts in constructing the world’s largest military command center, developing its nuclear arsenal, and producing its first nuclear-powered propulsion system for a carrier-sized surface warship, American authorities are concerned regarding the nation's military plans.

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