The real story of the Christmas truce during World War I

The Christmas event that saw peace during a time of war

Stars Insider

24/12/24 | StarsInsider


On Christmas Eve 1914, in the muddy trenches of World War I, British and German soldiers experienced one of the most extraordinary and poignant episodes in the annals of warfare. Amid the relentless violence and misery of the war, soldiers from opposing sides laid down their arms and ventured into No Man’s Land. They do so not to fight, but to celebrate the spirit of Christmas.

The event has since come to be known as the Christmas Truce, and while it was once considered to be myth or propaganda, it remains one of the strangest moments in the Great War. The truce was brief, but it brought to light the possibilities that still existed of soldiers' humanity. How did this curious story unfold? Click through this gallery to find out.

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