See Also
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Forensics workers - Forensics is an extremely complicated science. While it is remarkable how far ahead we have advanced scientifically, it takes a very long time to prepare a case and get results, unlike the instantaneous results that people seem to get on TV.
© NL Beeld
1 / 31 Fotos
Journalists - Journalism is less about secret meetings in obscure and dangerous locations, and far more being stuck to a desk and hammering away at the keyboard to make a deadline.
© Getty Images
2 / 31 Fotos
Delivery drivers - Not all delivery drivers have customers constantly trying to seduce them, or to get them involved in some kind of bizarre, scary adventure.
© NL Beeld
3 / 31 Fotos
Lecturers - Not all teachers in universities or high schools are greatly inspirational and change all of their students' lives in one semester forever!
© Getty Images
4 / 31 Fotos
Librarians - The cliché of the librarian sitting at a desk and glaring at people to make sure that nobody makes any noise is very old fashioned and outdated. Librarians do so much more with their time.
© Getty Images
5 / 31 Fotos
Scientists - Laboratories are often shown as places inhabited by “mad scientist” types. Bright-colored fizzing chemicals line the room. In reality, in most labs, things are mostly far less colorful and far more mundane.
© Getty Images
6 / 31 Fotos
Art gallery workers - People who work in art galleries don’t have the time to sit around discussing art all day with visitors. They have many administrative things to do, and sometimes they're just trying to stay afloat!
© Getty Images
7 / 31 Fotos
Restaurant workers - The work shown onscreen is nearly always more civil and involves far less screaming and shouting than in real life. The pace is just too slow to be realistic.
© NL Beeld
8 / 31 Fotos
The Air Force - The air force is full of all kinds of workers. Not all can spontaneously fly planes! Many are administrative workers who happen to work on air force bases.
© Getty Images
9 / 31 Fotos
Political campaigners - Most political campaigns are not corrupt or insane—many are just quite boring! There is a job to be done and the cesspit shown in films and television is often entirely unrealistic.
© Getty Images
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Psychotherapists - Psychotherapists and counselors do not get emotionally involved with their patients! Or at least they shouldn’t, certainly. Their sense of detachment is absolutely necessary.
© Getty Images
11 / 31 Fotos
Archaeologists - Attention to detail in looking at artefacts and taking notes is far more relevant to the profession than raiding temples and jumping off cliffs.
© Getty Images
12 / 31 Fotos
Computer programmers - Coding is a serious job and requires significant time, skill, and expertise. The idea that someone could hack into the mainframe of a global company with a few keystrokes is laughable.
© Getty Images
13 / 31 Fotos
Lawyers - The image of a lawyer yelling at a witness in a courtroom is not based in reality. Months of preparation go into cases before trials occur, and there are strict rules.
© Getty Images
14 / 31 Fotos
- The portrayal of a writer as disorganized and having many problems is all too common. For many normal writers, being a freelancer alongside a full-time job is necessary!
© Getty Images
15 / 31 Fotos
Musicians in bars - Not everybody who plays music in bars is depressed, an alcoholic, or desperately waiting for their big break. Some of them may well actually enjoy their jobs.
© Getty Images
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Emergency room workers
- While emergencies require swift medical attention, the idea that the emergency room is a place where workers are constantly rushing around is a bit of a fantasy.
© Getty Images
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Bookshop workers - People who work in bookshops are often paid poorly and over-worked. It is not quite the sophisticated and glamorous job depicted in films.
© Getty Images
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Lifeguards - Not every day at work as a lifeguard is full of disaster and tragedy. Most days, the mundane task of keeping watch will be the bulk of the job.
© Getty Images
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Actors - Acting, for the most part, can be uneventful, especially for small part players. A huge amount of time is simply spent sitting around waiting to work.
© NL Beeld
20 / 31 Fotos
Social workers - Not all social workers are mean, and just live to take away people’s children from them. Sometimes they can be a force for good and try to build harmony in families!
© NL Beeld
21 / 31 Fotos
Tattoo artists - Not all tattoo artists work in shops with secret drug dens in the back, or have sleazy, criminal recreational habits. Most are normal people making a living.
© NL Beeld
22 / 31 Fotos
Mothers - Being a new mother to young children is very much a full-time job. Often in a film, the time from giving birth to returning to the normal daily routine is absurdly short.
© NL Beeld
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Architects - Not every architect is as glamorous and wealthy as they are portrayed in films. Many are simply making a decent living and getting by like the rest of us!
© Getty Images
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Call center workers - In the real world, call center workers get calls assigned to their own headsets, directly. People don’t sit around hearing phones ringing off the hook constantly.
© NL Beeld
25 / 31 Fotos
Doctors and nurses - Doctors and nurses are not portrayed accurately at all. Many of their decisions are far too impulsive. There is strict protocol in the real world!
© Getty Images
26 / 31 Fotos
Pest control - Not all pest controllers are incompetent or psychopathic. They don't all wear overalls and gas masks, and they don't all drive in bizarre-shaped vans.
© Getty Images
27 / 31 Fotos
Private investigators - The job of a private investigator is not nearly as exciting or glamorous as you might think. There is a lot of paperwork involved, and naturally some surveillance.
© Getty Images
28 / 31 Fotos
Store workers - Not all store workers are awkward, gangling youths who constantly drop everything and seem to be crippled by clumsiness. Some are competent!
© Getty Images
29 / 31 Fotos
Physical education teachers
- Not all P.E. teachers are sadistic maniacs who like to inflict pain on their poor, unsuspecting pupils. Many are just people with a passion for fitness! See also: Ridiculous things that only happen in Hollywood movies.
© Getty Images
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© Getty Images
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Forensics workers - Forensics is an extremely complicated science. While it is remarkable how far ahead we have advanced scientifically, it takes a very long time to prepare a case and get results, unlike the instantaneous results that people seem to get on TV.
© NL Beeld
1 / 31 Fotos
Journalists - Journalism is less about secret meetings in obscure and dangerous locations, and far more being stuck to a desk and hammering away at the keyboard to make a deadline.
© Getty Images
2 / 31 Fotos
Delivery drivers - Not all delivery drivers have customers constantly trying to seduce them, or to get them involved in some kind of bizarre, scary adventure.
© NL Beeld
3 / 31 Fotos
Lecturers - Not all teachers in universities or high schools are greatly inspirational and change all of their students' lives in one semester forever!
© Getty Images
4 / 31 Fotos
Librarians - The cliché of the librarian sitting at a desk and glaring at people to make sure that nobody makes any noise is very old fashioned and outdated. Librarians do so much more with their time.
© Getty Images
5 / 31 Fotos
Scientists - Laboratories are often shown as places inhabited by “mad scientist” types. Bright-colored fizzing chemicals line the room. In reality, in most labs, things are mostly far less colorful and far more mundane.
© Getty Images
6 / 31 Fotos
Art gallery workers - People who work in art galleries don’t have the time to sit around discussing art all day with visitors. They have many administrative things to do, and sometimes they're just trying to stay afloat!
© Getty Images
7 / 31 Fotos
Restaurant workers - The work shown onscreen is nearly always more civil and involves far less screaming and shouting than in real life. The pace is just too slow to be realistic.
© NL Beeld
8 / 31 Fotos
The Air Force - The air force is full of all kinds of workers. Not all can spontaneously fly planes! Many are administrative workers who happen to work on air force bases.
© Getty Images
9 / 31 Fotos
Political campaigners - Most political campaigns are not corrupt or insane—many are just quite boring! There is a job to be done and the cesspit shown in films and television is often entirely unrealistic.
© Getty Images
10 / 31 Fotos
Psychotherapists - Psychotherapists and counselors do not get emotionally involved with their patients! Or at least they shouldn’t, certainly. Their sense of detachment is absolutely necessary.
© Getty Images
11 / 31 Fotos
Archaeologists - Attention to detail in looking at artefacts and taking notes is far more relevant to the profession than raiding temples and jumping off cliffs.
© Getty Images
12 / 31 Fotos
Computer programmers - Coding is a serious job and requires significant time, skill, and expertise. The idea that someone could hack into the mainframe of a global company with a few keystrokes is laughable.
© Getty Images
13 / 31 Fotos
Lawyers - The image of a lawyer yelling at a witness in a courtroom is not based in reality. Months of preparation go into cases before trials occur, and there are strict rules.
© Getty Images
14 / 31 Fotos
- The portrayal of a writer as disorganized and having many problems is all too common. For many normal writers, being a freelancer alongside a full-time job is necessary!
© Getty Images
15 / 31 Fotos
Musicians in bars - Not everybody who plays music in bars is depressed, an alcoholic, or desperately waiting for their big break. Some of them may well actually enjoy their jobs.
© Getty Images
16 / 31 Fotos
Emergency room workers
- While emergencies require swift medical attention, the idea that the emergency room is a place where workers are constantly rushing around is a bit of a fantasy.
© Getty Images
17 / 31 Fotos
Bookshop workers - People who work in bookshops are often paid poorly and over-worked. It is not quite the sophisticated and glamorous job depicted in films.
© Getty Images
18 / 31 Fotos
Lifeguards - Not every day at work as a lifeguard is full of disaster and tragedy. Most days, the mundane task of keeping watch will be the bulk of the job.
© Getty Images
19 / 31 Fotos
Actors - Acting, for the most part, can be uneventful, especially for small part players. A huge amount of time is simply spent sitting around waiting to work.
© NL Beeld
20 / 31 Fotos
Social workers - Not all social workers are mean, and just live to take away people’s children from them. Sometimes they can be a force for good and try to build harmony in families!
© NL Beeld
21 / 31 Fotos
Tattoo artists - Not all tattoo artists work in shops with secret drug dens in the back, or have sleazy, criminal recreational habits. Most are normal people making a living.
© NL Beeld
22 / 31 Fotos
Mothers - Being a new mother to young children is very much a full-time job. Often in a film, the time from giving birth to returning to the normal daily routine is absurdly short.
© NL Beeld
23 / 31 Fotos
Architects - Not every architect is as glamorous and wealthy as they are portrayed in films. Many are simply making a decent living and getting by like the rest of us!
© Getty Images
24 / 31 Fotos
Call center workers - In the real world, call center workers get calls assigned to their own headsets, directly. People don’t sit around hearing phones ringing off the hook constantly.
© NL Beeld
25 / 31 Fotos
Doctors and nurses - Doctors and nurses are not portrayed accurately at all. Many of their decisions are far too impulsive. There is strict protocol in the real world!
© Getty Images
26 / 31 Fotos
Pest control - Not all pest controllers are incompetent or psychopathic. They don't all wear overalls and gas masks, and they don't all drive in bizarre-shaped vans.
© Getty Images
27 / 31 Fotos
Private investigators - The job of a private investigator is not nearly as exciting or glamorous as you might think. There is a lot of paperwork involved, and naturally some surveillance.
© Getty Images
28 / 31 Fotos
Store workers - Not all store workers are awkward, gangling youths who constantly drop everything and seem to be crippled by clumsiness. Some are competent!
© Getty Images
29 / 31 Fotos
Physical education teachers
- Not all P.E. teachers are sadistic maniacs who like to inflict pain on their poor, unsuspecting pupils. Many are just people with a passion for fitness! See also: Ridiculous things that only happen in Hollywood movies.
© Getty Images
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What TV and films get wrong about these common jobs
Unrealistic and exaggerated
© Getty Images
Some of us have learned much of what we know (or think we know) through films and TV. Maybe we've even had childhood inspiration to try and follow a career path because of an actor's portrayal of a lawyer, a doctor, or a teacher.
But how realistic are these representations? Do they ring true, or are they all phony? To tell us the whole truth, a Reddit thread posed the question, "What do movies get wrong about your job?" Luckily, a group of people who actually do these jobs in the real world decided to give some feedback.
Click through the gallery and see if these jobs sound better or worse than you imagined!

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