The best sad songs to cry to

There's a reason you love tearjerkers

Stars Insider

02/08/24 | StarsInsider

MUSIC Emotional

The beautiful thing about music is that there's a song for every single mood out there, including every kind of sadness. Whether it's a devastating breakup, a melancholic memory of a loved one, or a general anguish about existence, there's a minor chord for you.

Though it may seem masochistic, our indulgence in sad music is actually for good reason. Research suggests that music filled with sorrow can make you happier than joyful songs. By identifying and empathizing with lyrics, you ultimately understand that others share similar experiences of rejection, loss, unrequited love, or other kinds of sadness, and you realize you're not so alone.

Click through to see a list of some of the saddest songs to ever draw pools of salty tears from listeners.

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