Banned and censored: the most controversial songs ever recorded

Tunes that fell foul of the censor

Stars Insider

17/07/24 | StarsInsider

MUSIC Records

Some songs are written to be as hard-hitting as a punch in the face, with lyrics laced with everything from drug nods to downright defiance of the powers that be. But then there are also those innocent tunes that trip and tumble into the treacherous terrain of controversy.

Artists often craft their tracks to shake up the status quo, sparking shockwaves that can lead to fan fallout. And let’s not forget those cheeky verses that have landed musicians on the naughty list, with radio and TV giving them the cold shoulder... well, let's just bluntly say it: they were banned and censored.

Click through the gallery and find out if you've heard the most contentious songs in history.

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