'MTV Unplugged': over 30 years of iconic performances

The famous TV show first aired in 1989

Stars Insider

10/02/25 | StarsInsider

MUSIC Tv shows

'MTV Unplugged' first aired on November 26, 1989. Music artists across all genres played acoustically—it was a unique chance to watch and listen to our favorite songs completely stripped down.

The show aired regularly up until 1999, with its frequency decreasing in the following decade. Several 'MTV Unplugged' specials have been aired after that, but the last performance took place in 2022. Several music artists have released albums of their performances, some of them huge commercial successes. 

The format inspired other TV shows as well as entire tours, and its legacy lives on. Click through this gallery to remember some of the most iconic 'MTV Unplugged' performances.

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