The gate of hell is real (and we'll show you where it is)

The gate has now been ordered to close, check out the fiery site before it's extinguished

Stars Insider

07/06/24 | StarsInsider

TRAVEL Turkmenistan

Regardless of religious traditions or beliefs about the existence or otherwise of hell, there is a place here on Earth, in the middle of a desert, which has been named as such: the gate of hell.

As it turns out, the fiery crater associated nominally with evil, though a popular tourist destination, is also negatively affecting the health of people living nearby, wasting valuable natural gas resources, and causing environmental damage. That's why the president of the region, President Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov of Turkmenistan, has recently ordered the closure of the mystifying site, CNN reports, calling to put out a fire that has been burning since the '70s.  

At present, however, there is no known deadline for closing the proverbial gates. Want to know more? Click on the gallery!

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