Where to shop at the world's most impressive and luxurious malls

Find out where you can indulge in a bit of retail therapy

Stars Insider

04/03/21 | StarsInsider

TRAVEL Shopping mall

The shopping mall is more than just a place to shop. Indeed, these temples of consumerism also serve as leisure and entertainment venues in their own right, destinations where stores, boutiques, and supermarkets are housed under the same roof as cinemas, theme parks, and food halls. 

Malls serve cities, neighborhoods, and even entire regions. Some are huge, sprawling landmarks. Many are distinguished for their snazzy, eye-catching design. Others have earned a reputation as exclusive retail centers, catering to high net worth individuals. 

Browse the gallery and find out where you can indulge in a bit of retail therapy at some of the biggest and swankiest malls in the world. 

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