Do you live in one of the world's 50 coolest neighborhoods?

Discover the hidden jewels of popular cities

Stars Insider

16 hours ago | StarsInsider


Everyone wants to travel like a local, and while it’s easy to translate languages with your phone and stay in people's homes instead of hotels through various apps, it’s much more difficult to figure out where the coolest neighborhoods are because they’re off the tourist path.

Based on factors of affordability, new venues, arts and culture, foodie destinations, and a general up-and-coming energy, Time Out surveyed more than 27,000 city-dwellers along with city experts to find what they’ve determined to be the top 50 cultural and culinary hot spots in the world. These are the places buzzing with life, free of overrated traps, and rich with the culture and community you couldn't get near many cities' most popular landmarks. Click through to see which neighborhoods made the cut. 

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