What do you know about Europe's only desert?

Visiting Spain's very own badlands

Stars Insider

22/01/25 | StarsInsider


Set in southern Europe in Spain's Almería province is one of the weirdest anomalies in nature—a desert! Known as the Tabernas Desert, this hot and arid environment is the only one of its kind on the continent. It's a world away from the tourist resorts more typically associated with this corner of the continent. And yet the Tabernas Desert is a visitor attraction in its own right, noted for its extraordinary geology and a variety of flora and fauna specially adapted to a seemingly inhospitable climate. Oh, and it's also on the map for a series of influential movies called "Spaghetti Westerns." Intrigued?

Click through for some hot tips on where to go and what to do in the Tabernas Desert.

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