The town closest to heaven, yet living in hell

High in the Andes: where life expectancy struggles at just 35 years

Stars Insider

15/01/25 | StarsInsider


Situated in the Peruvian Andes at a staggering altitude of 5,100 meters (16,732 feet or approximately three miles) above sea level, La Rinconada is the highest human settlement on Earth. With a population of approximately 50,000, as reported by NASA, it is so elevated that it's often referred to as “the town closest to space.” However, living conditions are far from comfortable. Most homes lack running water, there’s no sewage system or garbage disposal, and the electrical network is notoriously unreliable. Most significantly, the extreme altitude means residents live with about half the oxygen available at sea level.

One might wonder why 50,000 people would choose to make La Rinconada their home. The answer lies in a desire as old as civilization itself: gold. But at what cost? This is a town where the promise of wealth is shadowed by danger, with crime rates almost as high as its altitude. Click on the gallery to voyage into "Devil's Paradise"—a deadly place where survival is a daily battle.

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