How war changed the way we eat

Necessity is indeed the mother of invention!

Stars Insider

28/01/25 | StarsInsider

FOOD Crisis

War changes everything. For instance, although World War II lasted from 1939 to 1945, rationing continued for more than a decade after the end of the war in many countries. It took a long time for the global economy to even begin to recover and for trade deals and routes to be rehashed. After nearly 20 years of food shortages and recession, our cooking and eating habits were changed forever. Scarcity of meat, dairy, and all imported products meant that home cooks had to get thrifty and creative. New ingredients that had been ignored before took center stage, and are still included in our pantry staples to this day. Those affected by the war adapted their habits out of necessity, but there was also the added impact of soldiers traveling far and wide and bringing their local products with them.

From the meteoric rise of the onion to the creation of Nutella, click on to find out just how war changed the way we eat today.

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